Algebraix Data - あなたのデータを所有するプラットフォーム

Algebraix Dataは個人データを所有し、収益を得ることを可能にします。 同社の安全な許可ベースの広告ネットワークは、ブロックチェーンと新しいALX仮想通貨によって有効になります。


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About Algebraix DataBlockchain technology is disrupting the commercial world. One part of that world, the part that Algebraix focuses on, is advertising. To that end, Algebraix is building a permission-based advertising platform which includes a Personal Secure Vault (PSV) as a basic component. The PSV will empower individuals to store, secure, manage and monetize their personal data. Via the platform, advertisers will reward PSV owners for their voluntary attention—for viewing ads and promotions. PSV activity will be supported by a decentralized blockchain that manages all transactions, recording them in a ledger. Using anonymized data, the Algebraix platform will maintain a database that enables advertisers to identify legitimate target groups for their promotions. Targeted individuals will be presented with appropriate lists of advertisements, and if they so choose, will engage with the advertiser and be rewarded accordingly (in ALX coin, the network’s digital token).
Simply put, in the Algebraix network individuals own their own data and advertisers pay them for sharing it. The activity of both PSV owners and advertisers will be regulated by a reputation system to maximize the likelihood that when users respond to ads they are genuinely interested and that the ads the network carries are not deceptive. Digital advertising will thus be far better targeted than it currently is and Internet users will be more receptive to digital advertising than they currently are.
Automated trust will be the overriding principle that runs like a thread through the design of both the Algebraix platform and the business model it executes. The Algebraix Business Opportunity The personal data of Internet users is currently exploited in a variety of ways by Internet companies, particularly giants like Google and Facebook, based on a “push advertising” model, where ads are pushed at users without their permission, often in distracting and irritating ways: pop-ups, autoplay videos, unavoidable video ads, search result ads—even ads that stalk you from web site to web sites. It is a virtual blizzard of interruption, worse than ads on TV. The cost of gaining the consumer’s attention has grown by a factor of 7 - 9 over the last two decades and it shows. It is no wonder that 25% of US web users run adblocking software.
Nevertheless, the digital advertising business is tremendously successful and growing dramatically. In the Global Advertising Forecast Report, published in December 2016, Magna estimated digital advertising revenues for 2016 to be over $178 billion (36% of the total global advertising spend of $493 billion). Approximately 54% of the revenue was shared between Google and Facebook. Magna predicts that the total global spend will rise to 50% of the total by 2021 (i.e., $300 billion of an estimated $600 billion).
Algebraix intends to disrupt this valuable market with a new and innovative approach to advertising. Advertisers will be attracted to it because this approach is better able to target consumers. Consumers will be attracted because they will be rewarded for their attention and their participation will be entirely voluntary. Algebraix will take a simple commission on each interaction.

チーム すべてを見る

Charles H. Silver
Charles H. Silver
Andy Shah
Andy Shah
Chief Technology Officer
Robin Bloor, PhD
Robin Bloor, PhD
Senior VP of Strategy & Communications
Steven Wilkinson, CISSP, CBP
Steven Wilkinson, CISSP, CBP
Director of Security
Marcello Milteer
Marcello Milteer
Director of Marketing
Therese Fahy
Therese Fahy
HR & Controller


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