ColossusXT Coin - 非常にリソースに優しい仮想通貨、高速で完全な匿名
ColossusCoinXTは、オープンソース、コミュニティ主導型、環境配慮型の仮想通貨であり、より良い匿名性を備えたビットコインの代替品です。人々が財政的に管理されていない通貨で富を貯蓄して投資することを可能にし、ゼロに近い料金でほぼ即時かつ完全に匿名の振替を行います。 Colossuscoinは長年にわたり、エネルギー効率がよく、環境にやさしいデジタル仮想通貨として創設され、このコンセプトは継続されています。
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プラットフォーム | 不明 |
タイプ | 不明 |
参加可能通貨 | Others |
供給率 | 不明 |
KYC | 不明 |
参加不可地域 | 不明 |
Webサイト | ホームページ |
ホワイトペーパー | ダウンロード |
A privacy-centric, energy-efficient, decentralized, open-source, peer-to-peer (P2P) digital currency with instant and anonymous transactions. A two tier network based on the popular Bitcoin core software, utilises Masternodes and Proof of Stake 3.0 protocol for securing its network which gives it unmatched stability and easy accessibility.
Exciting tech
Proof of Stake 3.0 protocol, Masternodes, SwiftTX Instant Transactions, Private Instant Verified Transactions (full-time private transactions), Obfuscation Mixing Mechanism
Energy and Cost Efficiency
Proof of Stake is a highly energy efficient method of securing a coin's blockchain. Mining does not require the intense computing power, only a small amount of CPU power.
Masternode technology is used fer securing the network with positive side effect of stabilizing the market price. Holders are rewarded with block rewards.
Extra Privacy
Full privacy is secured by technology making the transactions untraceable. Anonymous transactions are achieved by using Obfuscation Mixing Mechanism.
Instant transaction
Transfer your money instantly with SwiftTX, guaranteed zero confirmation transactions. This allows the network to function at optimal efficiency and guarantee steady transaction processing.
Secure transactions
Public-key cryptography, in which a pair of a public and a private cryptographic key is generated. The core network is maintained by coin holders and the PoS reduces the risk of 51% attacks.