インプレッションベースのモデルでは、20〜60%の手数料は過去のものです。 あなたが$12を支払うと、1,000人の興味あるユーザーを提供します。 モバイル、ウェブ、ソーシャルのユニークなユーザーエクスペリエンスにより、従来のオンライン広告の5倍以上のコンバージョン率(1,000インプレッションあたりの売上)を達成します。
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プラットフォーム | 不明 |
タイプ | 不明 |
参加可能通貨 | Others |
供給率 | 不明 |
KYC | 不明 |
参加不可地域 | 不明 |
Webサイト | ホームページ |
ホワイトペーパー | ダウンロード |
There are a lot of problems in online display advertising.
- The average billing process for a $10,000 ad buy touches seven individuals and can take 120-150 days.
- There is no visibility into bid processes, so advertisers and publishers don't know if they're paying a fair price.
- False (or bot) traffic resulted in more than $16 billion in wasted ad dollars in 2016, up 28% from 2015.
- Ad blockers account for the loss of $22 billion in publisher revenue, which puts a free internet at risk.
Enough is enough. We're overhauling the Benja merchandise ad network, incorporating blockchain technology, and addressing these problems.
Radical Transparency
All ad buys completed in benjaCoin will be part of our public ledger, and we'll provide a dashboard that offers true transparency into who is paying what for which inventory. Everybody will know that they're getting a fair shake. No more guessing games.
Further, we will use crowdsale funds to continue the development of our tools that combat ad fraud as we detect false traffic to save our advertisers money.
Same-Day Billing
By moving our ad transactions to benjaCoin and introducing Benja Ad Marketplace, we will give advertisers control over where their inventory is displayed. Advertisers submit bids and, after a publisher accepts and displays the ad, the transaction is completed immediately.
There's no need for publishers to wait four to six months to receive revenue for their traffic.
The power and quality of the Benja ad network.
We've been working with top-tier brands, publishers, and investors for more than three years to build a network that we can be proud of. Our selective group of partners has lead to a 100% vendor renewal rate, a loyal base of publishers and users, and a profitable business.