Git Money - どこでも仕事ができる
解決したい人とあなたのスキルをマッチング。 あなたの強みを活かせるフリーマーケット。即時支払いでどこからでも作業できます。
プラットフォーム | 不明 |
タイプ | 不明 |
参加可能通貨 | Others |
供給率 | 不明 |
KYC | 不明 |
参加不可地域 | 不明 |
Webサイト | ホームページ |
ホワイトペーパー | ダウンロード |
Let your work speak for itself.
It shouldn’t matter where you are - the United States, Ukraine, an island, India or anywhere. If your code solves a problem, you should be paid. The quality of your work should be all that matters when providing a solution to a problem. With git money, your work is your resume. Nothing else matters.
Not a coder? Not a problem.
A problem doesn’t have to be technical. People have needs for graphics, text, video editing, social media assistance and many other things - and they're willing to pay for it. If you have a skill, there might be money waiting for you.
How it works
Use git money and enjoy borderless commerce.
- git opportunities
Every day people and companies are paying to get quick assistance with small tasks they need done online. - git work
One email, once a day, gives you a simple list of different things you can choose from to get paid bitcoin. - git money
You choose. Do one, do none, or try to do them all. Complete a task, provide your bitcoin address and get paid instantly.