ReiDAO - 不動産所有権のデジタル化
プラットフォーム | 不明 |
タイプ | 不明 |
参加可能通貨 | Others |
供給率 | 不明 |
KYC | 不明 |
参加不可地域 | 不明 |
Webサイト | ホームページ |
ホワイトペーパー | ダウンロード |
What is REIDAO?
REIDAO is creating tokens (digital assets) backed by real estate with its unique Token ID (think stock-ticker) for every property that is listed on the platform. Every Token ID will have its own cap of tokens available/created, its own valuation - based on the property that is backing it, and its own track record (of price movements, rental income/dividend, and so on).
We want to democratise property opportunities, to be accessible by everyone, wherever they are. By buying and selling these tokens, you are - in a way - buying and selling fractions of the underlying property. We have created a structure including Public Trust Company to create the link between the tokens and the actual properties.
Our vision is to have a Property Tokens Exchange Board, just like a stock exchange, where it will list all the available property tokens globally that has been tokenised.