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プラットフォーム | Ethereum |
タイプ | ERC20 |
参加可能通貨 | ETH |
供給率 | 不明 |
KYC | 不明 |
参加不可地域 | 不明 |
Webサイト | ホームページ |
ホワイトペーパー | ダウンロード |
The SpaceICO team believes that ICO will become a common practice. The profitability of the ICO in a few years will inevitably start to decline, so now is the best time to get the maximum profitability. With the help of investments, SpaceICO will be able to take a dominant position on the ICO market at a rapid pace. It is expected that in the next 2-3 years the market will be regulated by legislation and large players will come. As one of the variants of the course of events, we expect to receive a proposal for the acquiring of our company by the large players, and the holders of SIO tokens will be able to record significant profits.